Table Fellowship

One of the most fundamental aspects of the Lord’s Supper is fellowship. The Lord’s Supper is a display of our fellowship with Christ and our fellowship in Christ with other believers. As we partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine in faith, we display that we have been united to Christ by trusting in his life, death, and resurrection on our behalf. But we don’t do that alone. There are others sitting around us visibly expressing their faith in Christ by their participation in the meal.

Let’s keep this in mind when we prepare to celebrate the Lord's Supper. Let’s be encouraged by what our Savior proclaims to us in the meal, and let’s also be encouraged that there are others around us leaning on his promises. Our faith is strengthened through this meal as we’re reminded of what Christ has done for us on our behalf, but our faith is also strengthened and encouraged by seeing others boldly and faithfully believe in Christ as they partake of the bread and the cup.