Justice Smiles and Asks No More

I don’t know about you, but sometimes a song will get into my head and then have difficulty getting out. For songs with redeeming content that can be a glorious thing. Of late I’ve been listening to Daniel Renstrom’s rendition of John Newton’s wonderful hymn “Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder.” You can get a copy here or listen it here, but Daniel’s verse 3 (Newton’s verse 4) especially captivates and encourages my heart. Newton wrote,

“Let us wonder grace and justice
Join and point to mercy’s store
When through grace in Christ our trust is
Justice smiles and asks no more
He Who washed us with His blood
Has secured our way to God”

That is profoundly good news to a man who was a former slave trader. Newton was known to be haunted by the images of those he had transported and traded. After he discovered God’s amazing grace, or perhaps we should say after God’s amazing grace had discovered him, he deeply regretted his sin and sought forgiveness from God. He was sinner, a wretched sinner, just like you and me. This news that was so good to him, that “When through grace in Christ our trust is, Justice smiles and asks no more,” is the same good news for you and me. Praise God for this infinitely good news.