Here Bring Your Wounded Hearts

This past Sunday evening I preached on the first two words of the Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father.” From the truth that God is our Father, I drew out five implications for our prayer lives as Christians and churches. I want to share with you the first implication because I need to preach it to myself over and over again. The first and most obvious implication is that since God is our Father, since he loves his children, since he has a ready ear turned toward his children, we really should approach God in prayer. Not everyone has this privilege. Not everyone is a son or daughter of God by faith, but those who are should talk to God in prayer. Go to him in prayer. If you are weary, battered, and bruised from the day, go to him in prayer. In the words of a great hymn, “Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.”